Reay House

Anvil from Scotforth Smithy, in possession of the author.

Family History of a Reay family, originally from County Down, Ireland.

James Reay, Blacksmith of Scotforth Smithy, Lancaster, Lancashire, and his wife Annie Mary Dent, and their predecessors feature here.

What are the Reay connections to murdered Lucy Sands ?

Annie Mary’s, Dent and Mawson relatives of Keswick, Cumberland.

Plus some memories of Scotforth in the 1940’s and 50’s, and even earlier.

– Including –

Memories of Hala Road in the early 20th Century, by Alan Passmore.

Unidentified photo’s of Keswick familes of the 1900’s. Can you help?

Passmore family of Cark in Cartmel in the 1800’s.

Dent’s of Preston, Lancashire.

Scotforth Characters of 1952.

@ D A Reay. 2000-2024